
Filesystem Hierarchy

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

/ – The Root Directory

/bin – Essential User Binaries

These Binaries must be present when the system is mounted in single-user mode.

/sbin- system administration programs (fdisk, mkfs, sysctl, etc)

/etc - configuration flies /tmp- temporary files (typically deleted on boot)

/usr/bin - applications (apt, neat, nmap, etc.) /usr/share- application support and data files

Not essential for single-user mode.

Package Management

Kali Linux usages advanced package tool (apt).

Customizing the Bash Environment

The HISTIGNORE variable is particularly useful for filtering out basic commands that are run frequently, such as Is, exit, history, bg, etc:

export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit:history"

The HISTCONTROL variable defines whether or not to remove duplicate commands, commands that begin with spaces from the history, or both.

export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups

HISTTIMEFORMAT controls date and/or timestamps in the output of the history command.


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